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The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's (SAMHSA) Youth Engagement Guidance

Guides administrators and prevention professionals on how to appropriately engage youth in government-sponsored events and meetings. And this is a very important question that should be raised before students. Therefore, in all materials provided by on the site, there are many resources regarding a youth services approach, youth development, youth leadership, civic engagement, and youth organizing. Inventory#: SMA16-4985

Guidance Document for Supporting Women in Co-ed Settings

Guides clinicians on the best practices for treating women suffering from substance use disorder in co-ed treatment and recovery settings. Highlights the importance of gender differences, cultural sensitivity, and developing healthy relationships. Inventory#: SMA16-4979

Learn the Eight Dimensions of Wellness (Spanish Version Poster)

Como parte de la Iniciativa de SAMHSA para el Bienestar, este cartel enumera las ocho dimensiones del bienestar: social, ambiental, física, emocional, espiritual, ocupacional, intelectual y financiera. Promueve la comunicación entre las personas con trastornos de salud mental, los profesionales y los proveedores de salud. Tamaño del cartel 24 x 18 pulgadas (aproximadamente 61 x 46 cm). Inventory#: SMA16-4953SPANISH

What Individuals in Recovery Need to Know About Wellness (Spanish Version)

Explica a los consumidores lo que es el bienestar y cómo afecta a la calidad de vida en general, sobre todo para las personas con trastornos de salud mental. Describe las ocho dimensiones del bienestar y ofrece sugerencias sobre cómo las personas pueden aplicarlas a su propia vida para mejorar su bienestar general. Inventory#: SMA16-4950SPANISH

SAMHSA's National Wellness Week Needs You (Spanish Version)

Parte de la Iniciativa de SAMHSA para el Bienestar, anima a la planificación de actividades para promover la Semana del Bienestar. Las organizaciones indican los detalles y la descripción de su evento comunitario en un formulario que adaptan a sus necesidades. Inventory#: SMA16-4954SPANISH

What Health Providers and Organizations Need to Know About Wellness (Spanish Version)

Anima Promueve a que los profesionales de la salud médicos que brinden serviciosa las personas con trastornos de salud mental, servicios que se enfoquen en sus necesidades. Ofrece datos Brinda hechos sobre los trastornos mentales, indican las ocho dimensiones del bienestar, y brinda consejos para colaborar con los proveedores de salud mental. Inventory#: SMA16-4951SPANISH

SAMHSA's Wellness Initiative: Wellness Community Power Point Presentation (Spanish Version)

Como parte de la Iniciativa de SAMHSA para el Bienestar, esta presentación anima a que se planifiquen actividades comunitarias durante la Semana Nacional del Bienestar. Las organizaciones añaden los detalles sobre su evento comunitario en la presentación que se adapta a sus necesidades. Inventory#: SMA16-4955SPANISH

Preventing and Responding to Suicide Clusters in American Indian and Alaska Native Communities ...

Highlights the effects of suicide clusters on American Indian and Alaska Native communities. Discusses effective prevention strategies. Explores resources communities can use to decrease the prevalence of suicide clusters. Inventory#: SMA16-4969

SAMHSA's Wellness Initiative: Wellness Week September 11-17, 2016 (Spanish Version Poster)

Como parte de la Iniciativa de SAMHSA para el Bienestar, describe las tres principales maneras cómo las personas con trastornos de salud mental pueden promover el bienestar en su propia vida. La iniciativa alienta a las personas con trastornos de salud mental a seguir un estilo de vida saludable, trabajar con un médico de atención primaria además de un proveedor de salud mental y hacer preguntas. Este cartel viene plegado y mide 24 x 18 pulgadas (aproximadamente 61 x 46 cm). Inventory#: SMA16-4956SPANISH

Promoting Wellness: A Guide to Community Action (Spanish Version)

Esta guía ofrece herramientas e información para organizar activadas comunitarias para mejorar el bienestar en las comunidades locales, de manera que fomenten la recuperación de las personas con trastornos de salud mental y de consumo de sustancias. La guía explica qué actividades se pueden planificar, cómo establecer colaboraciones o alianzas con otras organizaciones y formas de implementar las actividades comunitarias. Inventory#: SMA16-4957SPANISH

Know Your Rights: Parity for Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Benefits

Gives an overview of Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008. Lists some of the common limits placed on mental health and substance use disorder benefits and services. Includes resources for additional information on parity. Inventory#: SMA16-4971

Understanding Child Trauma

Gives parents and caregivers an overview of the the types of traumatic stress that commonly affect children and details on the effects these events have on their physical and psychological health. Includes a list of resources for assisting with recovery. Inventory#: SMA15-4923

Med School Curriculum Changes Aim to Eliminate Health Care Disparities

February 27, 2014 -- Article tells how three of the 11 schools that received grants through the AMAs Accelerating Change in Medical Education initiative are building innovative education models that specifically address the unique needs of underserved populations.

Obama Budget Will Seek Record Funding for New Doctors

February 27, 2014 -- President Obama in his new budget will propose boosting the National Health Services Corps from 8,900 providers a year to 15,000 a year over the next five years, and spending $5.23 billion to train 13,000 primary care residents over the next 10 years.

Allopathic and Osteopathic Medical Communities Commit to a Single Graduate Medical Education ...

February 26, 2014 -- An agreement reached between allopathic and osteopathic medical communities will unite graduate medical education programs for physicians in training with either degree under a single accreditation system to ensure consistency.

Diversity in Nursing Education

February 26, 2014 -- Article profiles a recent Johnson & Johnson/AACN Minority Nurse Faculty Scholar and tells of the influential national scholarship program that recognizes the importance of having nurse faculty from minority groups.

Rural Medicine Residency Program Established at TTUHSC

February 26, 2014 -- Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center at the Permian Basin Department of Family and Community Medicine is expanding its residency program by establishing training in rural medicine.

Freshly Minted Dental Therapists Aid Rural Towns

February 26, 2014 -- Article tells how the University of Minnesota was among the first in the country to educate dental therapists, and it continues to graduate more of the new professionals every year.

What's Up Doc? Rural Health Care Provider Shortage

February 26, 2014 -- Article tells how a major factor in America's over-reliance on the ER is lack of access to primary care, and access in Oklahoma is ranked near the bottom. One recent publication had Oklahoma 48th in the nation for access to family doctors.

AACN Applauds New Lancet Study Linking Nursing Education and Patient Outcomes

February 25, 2014 -- The AACN applauds new research showing that patients experiencing complications after surgery are more likely to live if treated in hospitals with adequate nurse staffing levels and higher numbers of nurses prepared at the baccalaureate degree level.

National Committee on Foreign Medical Education and Accreditation

February 26, 2014 -- The public meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 15, 2014, from 8:00 a.m. until approximately 5:30 p.m., at the U.S. Department of Education, Eighth Floor Conference Center, Office of Postsecondary Education, 1990 K Street NW., Washington, DC 20006.

PAs Practice Medicine in Specialties to Increase Access to Care

February 25, 2014 -- New research shows that the average Physician Assistant (PA) will practice medicine in two or three different specialties throughout his or her career. PAs practice medicine across all specialties including dermatology, orthopaedics and pediatrics

Need Help with Your NHSC Loan Repayment Program Application?

February 25, 2014 -- A technical assistance conference call is scheduled for Wednesday, March 5, 2014 from 8:00 9:30 p.m. ET to address questions about the NHSC Loan Repayment Program.

Alleviate Medical School Debt with Scholarship Opportunity

February 24, 2014 -- The American Medical Association's Physicians of Tomorrow Scholarships were created to provide financial assistance to medical students facing spiraling medical school debt. The nomination deadline is May 30.

Indian Health Service; Loan Repayment Program for Repayment of Health Professions Educational Loans

February 25, 2014 -- Funding is available from the Indian Health Service for a loan repayment program for health professions educational loans (undergraduate and graduate) in return for full-time clinical service in Indian health programs.

HRSA Seeks Nominations for the Council on Graduate Medical Education

February 24, 2014 -- The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) is seeking nominations of individuals for appointment to the COGME with qualifications that represent specific, legislatively-mandated categories. Nominations should be submitted by March 31, 2014.

Study: Rural Dental Therapists Help More Patients

February 24, 2014 -- Article tells how, according to a new report, the first U.S. private practice dentist to add a dental therapist to his team was able to see a significant number of new patients, increase treatment of Medicaid patients, as well as increase profits.

Nursing Shortage Prompts Campuses to Seek More Instructors

February 21, 2014 -- Predictions of a massive nursing shortage within 20 years are prompting four University of Wisconsin System nursing schools to crank up efforts to train more instructors so they can expand enrollments and cope with looming faculty retirements.

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Commits Over $3 Million to Support Health Care Research and ...

February 18, 2014 -- Rowan University is launching an ambitious plan to transform health care delivery and to strengthen the health care workforce with support from a $3.05 million grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

Primary Care Tops Osteopathic Match Placements

February 20, 2014 -- More than half of osteopathic medical students and recent graduates matched into primary care residency programs, according to the American Osteopathic Association (AOA).