We offer a variety of resources to keep you current on the latest information in the field of integration. We often send newsletters about our new materials, conferences, or some interesting events. Of the recent events, it was a meeting with writers who can fulfill any request like revise my essay on the https://top-papers.com/revise-my-paper-for-me/ site because there are many specialists in various fields and they have large databases and access to information.
Selected research is offered in a variety of areas but is especially focused on Workforce Transformation, medical homes, and integrating behavioral and medical health services.
Medical Home references from throughout the country.
We continually search for upcoming conferences which are relevant to our specialties and quality practice.
A number of model programs are listed so you can observe how other systems are implementing quality services.
We have a list of central funding sources that can be used to support system improvement.
Government resources include federal and state regulations.
The latest news from a number of sources are offered, giving you a source for focused content.